Monday, 20 October 2008

Trying to be thankful...

When we were at school, we were taught this song - 'Count your many blessings name them one by one and it will surprise you what the Lord has done...'
Today, I am trying to remember that song...
Yesterday I realised I had to re-score a huge set of data [which I have already gone over three times... since the manual instructions were quiet on an issue and 'miss trying-to-be-bright' (yours sincerely) kept on working to different interpretations!!]
Anyway, after further investigations, I realise I need to do this a fourth time now (Hurrah! NOT!!)... even the thought of going over this again is _ _ _ _ _ _ (you may take the liberty to fill in the blanks).
So, now going to count today's blessings and then try to re-re-re-rescore this data!
Blessings -
1. Was raining but now the sun is shining...
2. Laptop is working...
3. Found out data needs re-re-re-rescoring 'now' rather than later...
4. Finally posted my first blog!! :)
On that note, will go and try to sort this data - one final time (hopefully!!)
Please wish me luck! Good luck to you in whatever you need to get done today :)
Take care folks!!